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Decker Shado Mad Max Fury Road Movie Review. The latest Mad Max movie upon us, Fury Road, finally came out in 2015. While there's plenty of things littering the internet already going over the politics and the character depictions and all that stuff... I.. personally am more interested in what the actual movie as about. Also, I feel kinda silly for buying the movie now and paying Warner Bros for the privilege, considering they just smacked this review with a claim while I was editing this text box and now I ain't even getting paid on link this till the dispute is settled. Cause I really needed something else to rant about, eh?

UPDATE: Actually got released in less than 24 hours. As I say, if I can bitch and moan when things don't go my way, the least I can do is acknowledge when things go better for me than that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJeCNu9V5sQ https://youtu.be/FJeCNu9V5sQ

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